I had lots of ideas about what becoming a mom would look like and none of them really started to become true until about 6 years into the whole thing! I had envisioned car pools, packing lunches, running the house all while working full time, and the best part about this whole fantasy of mine was that I did it all with ease! If you are a mom, you know this is a false narrative, but probably a pretty common one. Being a working mom is a wild ride, and even if you aren’t a mom, I am sure you can understand the nonstop plate spinning and feeling like you have zero time for yourself. Am I right? But we are still supposed to have it all figured out, keep things running smoothly, and look good to boot! And when you pile social media on top of all of this, with the pretty pictures, and underlying them of life is perfect, it can feel downright overwhelming. I am promoting a different approach. One that is far more realistic, but with an outcome that will leave you feeling like your best self.
Hi! I’m Jenny, a lifetime lover of all things fashion, mom to almost 8 year old twin boys, teacher turned instructional coach, wanna be chef, and addicted to learning more about life as I go! After kids, it took me a WHILE to figure out how to feel GOOD again, and once I did, I got really passionate about wanting to help other moms and women in general find their way back as well. I'm here to help you blaze a path back to your most confident self using clothes as a vehicle to get there. When we LOOK good, we FEEL good and when we feel good, we DO good. That is what I am here for. Perhaps you don’t put a ton of effort into this category of your life because you don’t think it’s a worthy endeavor. I’d like to challenge that. Studies show that by simply putting on makeup, doing your hair, and putting on clothes you feel confident in, your productivity increases drastically. Remember all that plate spinning? If the outfit you wear can help you do that better, why the heck not leverage the shit out of it?
I bet you’re thinking, that sounds great, but I have exactly zero idea on how to get there. That’s what I am going to teach you. (PS, you should start by getting yourself one of these jumpsuits I have on above. Will it change your life? Maybe ;) Click the link to shop!

I am a firm believer that when we eat well, find JOY in our days, and dress in ways that make us FEEL alive and confident, we can go out and make a positive impact in this world sharing the gifts we have been uniquely created for. The tools I've created have been designed for the busy woman who could benefit from building a functional wardrobe while still feeling fashionable, without the need to recreate the wheel season after season and year after year. I want your wardrobe to fit your lifestyle, without breaking the bank, and I want to teach you how to find the right pieces that are made to fit YOUR body. Plus I want it to be easy to implement. I don’t want pulling yourself together to be an extra lift. I truly believe that having personal style, one that is built on the idea of functional fashion, is a skill that can be learned like anything else.
There is a method to this madness I am speaking of. Because I am a teacher by training, I’ve used education as the vehicle to design my tools. I have a step by step method that I walk you through to help you figure out your personal style with ease and confidence. It all starts in your closet. I want to help you use what you already have, well at least the items that deserve some real estate in there, so we can build out from an educated place ie one where we actually know what you need. Then I help you figure out your body shape before getting any new items (which likely includes using a measuring tape which I talk about in this insta post)! Most people don’t know that clothes not fitting is largely because they are cut for a specific body type. Once you know yours, you’ll find shopping a far less frustrating experience! The final step is where I’ll teach you how to use those pieces to create actual outfits - that not only fit your body type, but also your budget. Style doesn’t have to be expensive! More on that later.
PS: if you are looking for the latest Amazon haul you aren't going to find that here. I am here to share what works instead of what's popular! I like to think of myself as the #anti-influencer ;)
Ready to learn more about how this all works? A good place to start is checking out my page on my seasonal wardrobes!