Let's shift away from that this season shall we? I'm sharing some hacks this week that I hope come in handy and usher in some ease this season!
I was just scrolling some of my favorite fashion friends sites and noticed they have like full new wardrobes, accessories, bags, shoes, you name it, EVERY season and it got me thinking. We live in this world of crazy comparison. How can we SIMPLIFY?

Classic with a side of trendy
New everything every season. NOPE. Nope ✌🏻
That is not what I’m here for. I don’t know how the fashion bloggers do it. Overflowing closets. So many choices. So much extra crap. I’m not here for it.
I’m here for building your closet in a way that makes sense. Classics that won’t go out of style for years. And then SPRINKLING in a few trendy or new pieces to enhance the classics each season. Must haves for me this season include:
A couple pairs of killer denim
Neutral Booties
Graphic T's
Cozy Sweatshirts
Who’s with me?

This brings me to topic of gifting.....
The HOLIDAYS are coming! And I feel like they are coming FAST!
Here is one thing that I do every year that I thought might be an idea worth sharing. I batch my gifts. I find things I love throughout the year for both men and women and then that's what everyone gets! As in, almost all the women on my list get the same gift and so do the guys. Boom! This simplifies the season so much and because it's something I know and love, I know it's not going to get stuffed in a closet to be forgotten about.
If you can't do that this year, stick this idea in your back pocket. It makes life a heck of a lot easier during the holiday season.
PS...if you don't have my holiday gift guide, it's a compilation of my "batched" gifts for the last 5 years! Grab a copy here if you don't already have it.

And how about a quickie recipe that you can throw into your rotation this season? Let's take some of the cooking stress off your plate shall we? ;)
Easy Weeknight Recipe: Grab A Rotisserie Chicken
Shred Chicken - I use my mixer for this. SO easy
Mix in a can of green chilies, plain yogurt and a little of your enchilada sauce.
Fill Tortillas. Top with sauce, cheese, and bake at 350 for 25 min until bubbly
Hope this has brought some ideas to help simplify your life over the coming weeks to tackle some of that overwhelm you may be feeling!