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Why You Want to Edit Your Closet to Create a Lasting Wardrobe

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

School’s out for Summer….well, next week for us anyway! And that means it’s time to roll out the summer wardrobe.

So, this week I wanted to share a little step by step guide to set your summer wardrobe up for success! These simple steps should not only help you get rid of things that are no longer serving you, but also give you some guidance about what your closet is lacking. This will help you shop with a plan instead of adding things to your cart that you may not actually need. If a shopping plan sounds funny to you, I hope after seeing these short videos, I can change your mind ;)

  1. Go through EVERY piece of your closet and determine if it stays, needs to be tried on, or goes! It goes if it hasn’t been worn in the last 6 months and/or it doesn’t fit you.

  2. Organize your items by color. Just trust me on this part. It will be very informative once you do it.

  3. Get matching hangers. This also sounds a little over the top to some, but I promise, it’s really when it comes time to get dressed. The less visual chaos, the better when you are picking out clothes for the day.

Click on that link for a video tutorial!

Stand back and take in the work you’ve done in your closet. I bet you’ll notice some themes just by looking. Perhaps you have A LOT of black and denim, and not much else. Maybe you notice that you have plenty of pants, but no dresses or skirts. Do you need some color? Print? Maybe you need a new pair of jeans or shorts. You also should have a better idea of how the remaining items in your closet fit which will be helpful when it comes time to actually put an outfit together. NOW you know what to shop for based on the current state of your wardrobe and fill in the gaps.

Check out the video for some ideas about creating a plan to shop.


This is the part that often trips us up. It’s at the core of why I created the capsules in the first place. For whatever reason, this has been something that has come naturally to me for most of my life. But I know this isn’t the case for most! That’s why the capsule is such a worthy investment. It really takes the guesswork out of getting dressed! That being said, this video will show you how I go about building outfits for my day to day life as well as for the capsule. The name of my game is VERSATILITY! I am always on the hunt for pieces that can pull double, triple and quadruple duty in my life!

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